Placing a Parent into Aged Care: When Is the Right Time for a Nursing Home?

Putting a loved one in an elderly care facility can be a hard and emotional decision—the nursing home guilt can be there. But there are a few things that can help guide the decision-making process and make it easier for family members to understand how the aged care system works. 

We at Aged Care Ready know that this is a hard and emotional time for families. We’re here to help because of this. Our team of experts helps people and their loved ones figure out how to use the Australian aged care system. We’ve helped a lot of families through this process, and from what we’ve seen, there are a lot of things that need to be talked about and figured out before deciding on aged care. 

In this article, we’ll share some of our ideas and knowledge and break the process down into steps to help family members understand how the aged care system works. We will talk about important things like figuring out how safe and healthy your loved one is, learning about the different kinds of care for older people, and how important it is for family carers to take care of themselves. 

So, if you or someone you care about needs to decide about senior care, keep reading. We’re here to help you every step of the way through this process. 

Assess the individual’s ability to care for themselves.

When deciding if it’s time to put a loved one in senior care or a nursing home, it’s important to think about how well they can take care of themselves. Do they have trouble getting things done on their own? Do they depend more on family, friends, or paid carers? Does the care they are getting no longer meet their needs? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be time to start thinking about long-term care options. 

Identify unsafe behaviours.

Another important thing to think about is whether or not the person is doing things that could put them in danger. This could mean doing things like putting shoes in the oven or going outside without being watched. If a loved one is acting in these ways, it may be time to think about long-term care options to keep them safe. 

Recognise the emotional toll of caregiving.

It’s also important to be aware of the emotional toll that caring for a family member can take on them. Taking care of an elderly family member can be hard and make you feel tired, angry, and frustrated. It can be emotionally draining and can affect your mental health. During this time, it’s important to take care of yourself, whether that means taking a break or getting help from a professional aged care provider. 

Make the Decision: Get Professional Help in Aged Care Facility

Putting a loved one in a nursing home or aged care facility can be a hard and emotional decision; family members may even feel the “nursing home guilt”. Aged Care Ready can help you get through this hard process by giving you expert advice and support at every step. By understanding your loved one’s needs and assessing their ability to care for themselves, noticing any unsafe behaviours, and thinking about the emotional toll of caregiving, it can become clearer when it’s time to think about permanent care options. Let us help you decide what is best for your family member. Call or email us today to find out more.

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