Respite for Aged Care: Residential Respite Care Beginner’s Guide

What is respite care for the elderly?

Residential respite care is when an elderly person stays in a facility for seniors for a short time, usually between one and two weeks. Residential respite care is meant to give the main carer a break so they can rest and re-energise. It also gives the elderly person care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

Day respite programmes, on the other hand, let older people spend the day at a centre, where they can get the care and take part in activities. Most of the time, bus transportation is given, and the elderly person is taken home at the end of the day. The same goes for weekend respite services (SRS), which let the elderly person stay at a centre for one or two days, usually on the weekend. 

Flexible respite care is a different kind of respite care. A carer comes to the home of an elderly person to help care for and support them while the primary carer takes a break. This can be for a day or for a long time. It gives the primary carer a chance to rest, work, or just spend time alone. 

Who pays for respite care in Australia? 

Most of the time, My Aged Care or the government pays for residential respite care. Even though the room is paid for, there are other costs to think about, such as basic daily fees, fees for extra services (if the facility charges them), and means testing.

What are the available respite care options?

The most common type of respite care is residential respite care, in which an elderly person stays in an aged care facility for a short time. This option is usually for 63 nights per year, and it is meant to give the carer a break, not the elderly person. There are also day respite programmes, where the elderly person can spend the day at a centre, and short-term respite services (SRS), where they can stay for a weekend. Another option is flexible respite, in which a carer comes into the home for a set amount of time to give the primary carer a break. 

How to use respite care for a break?

It is suggested that one to two weeks of respite care be used every few months. This gives the main caretaker a much-needed break and gives the elderly person a chance to try out a place before moving there full-time. Using respite care can also help the elderly person stay at home longer, since they will get care around the clock for a short time. 

In conclusion, respite care is an important way to give both elderly people and the people who take care of them a break. There are a lot of choices, so it’s important to get help from professionals and connect with Aged Care Ready to find the best solution for your specific situation. Don’t be afraid to get in touch with us if you need more information or want to start your journey into aged care. 

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